Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuachan trip/Dec 2008

He is a tongue wagger darling/Mason
Hmmmmmmmmmm! From the backside/Braxton
Kalen on way to ref ballgame
Shay and Colton in their home/Cedar City

Gpa who? Thanksgiving at Shanna's 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thursday, July 31, 2008

My darling lil helper with emptying the trash. Halle Brady

Cute lil Dennis The Menace. Roy's g'g'son Michael Reanon's g'son Tabitha's son

Proud parents, can ya tell? Bart, Sarah and new baby Gage

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Honoring our military boys and missionary


Judd in Korea on a mission

Guess who?

Pitney Prospers!
Three lil musketeers. Logan, Jade and Halle

Some of the smart families took pictures. Hmmmmmmmmmmm!

Pitney family reunion

Amber's lil Addy and her great aunt Carmie, but it just isn't fair. Look at how much she looks like she should be her g'daughter!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Love of America and nature

And plastic!

Another cutie

This is Commanche Moon Feather/Cade Marshall Brady

Thursday, May 29, 2008

We've seen every species here now!

Anyone for a Baby Bear Hug. Our latest animal event. Little Sweetie, huh?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Family visiting Neil, Dixie and Linda in Rangely April 2008

Pops, Linda (Neil's sister) Mama Donna, and Neil
Neil and Dixie April 2008 Rangely CO
Papa Neil and Shane

Monday, May 19, 2008

Neil, Mom and Dad

Oh my gosh, again whoops. Cute Shell Bell and Shanna

Shelly, Keenan, G'pa and Sage

Neil's visit to Rangely

Whoops a lil tipsy but this is our newest musician in the family. Kanden

Monday, March 31, 2008

My spinner hummingbird, which was covered entirely this winter with snow.

Sorry forgot to right side up it.

More! Yesterday 7", today another 5-6". Dad said if it was not so wet and colder there would have been a lot more!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT it was a beautiful snow storm. On the way to church we once again saw a whole mountain side full of the cotton look hanging on all the trees. The view magnificent!


Might as well kick back and relax while it is snowin' out AGAIN! Don't let him kid you he has kicked back here ALL winter and enjoyed TV. What a LIFE! Agree? And in the kitchen taboot. He loves this lawn recliner, even more so than his lazy boy recliner in the front room. Can you believe it?

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pitching a littlier log that doesn't have to be sawed.

This is a tough one!!!!!! Sister Woods

Spring Hobble Creek Cleanup

Rolling log out of the creek.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Our little yearling moose came thru on the 19th of March. He was pretty scaggy looking.

Springtime at HC

It is amazing how fast the snow is going, sinking into the ground, which is good! We are getting a touch of spring fever!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Couldn't leave the most important out! Ha!

Mom, Dad and Dana

Magnify this and see the beautiful profile of the fox!

More visitors

First sign of spring and who shows up for corn!